First Narration Demo is UP!

Homemade, self-recorded, painstakingly edited. Over there in "Projects." ->

I like this demo. I'm proud of completing it. I know I have to scrap the whole thing, start over and try again. I knew that before I sent it out for feedback and the feedback I received confirmed everything I'd been thinking. Which is fantastic! 

Learning how to self-direct is it's own fun challenge, so recognizing that my own ear is picking up the same things that pro ears are is encouraging. The editing learning curve was pretty damn steep as well (again, little to no technical background here) but I'm confident that what was once a 2 month process, can easily be cut down to 2 weeks now. And of the 3 pieces of copy in there, I intend to switch at least one of them out.

I have a few more things I'll be putting up over the next few weeks.  And I do intend to prettify this website shortly.  Getting there, getting there, darlings. 


Peace, love, and tea,
