New Animation Demo

New home, new year, new demo!  

I've moved!  The new apartment is very exciting for many reasons, not the least of which has been the building of swanky recording booth, courtesy of audiophile and dedicated sound snob, Rudy Duke. 

I can never go back.  Cocooned in red and black foam, the amount of echo and distortion on my voice has been seriously, drastically reduced.  It's a world of difference.  But more on that later. Upgraded work space means an upgraded demo. 


Happy New Year!




3 new pieces up over in Projects!  Huzzah!  

Quick synopsis: Freddy Steele (voiced by Will Carson Jr) hosts a 2 in the morning radio show called "The Love Guru."  His callers (me) turn to him for advice on all matters of the heart. 

This little collaboration has been a superfun experiment in improvising, script development, more of that ol' self-direction, and editing.  The whole thing actually started by accident with a little riffing into my new mic, and became a great vehicle for me to explore a range of more "real" character voices, while allowing Will the chance to really develop Freddy over time.  

Quite proud of these actually.

Peace, love, and tea,


I'm baaaaack

Well, I last posted here in March of 2016.  So, here's a short and sweet recap of what I've done with my time since then.

I've spruced up the place with some delightful graphics by the lovely Vicky Leta (, worked on a few new recordings that'll be posted shortly, took some excellent classes, aaaand had my life taken over by the political circus that was 2016.  I tried really hard, guys, to make things... not the way they are now.  Really.  You don't even want to know.

I'm now in the process of reintegrating balance into my life, which is great.  Pretty exciting to get to re-focus on career, creative endeavors, and craft.  The next few weeks should be fun.  :)

Peace, love, and tea,


Shel Project

New Shel Silverstein poem, Body Language, is up!  I hope you enjoy!

This endeavor has been an important first step for Will and myself.  Each short and sweet poem has been an exercise in self-direction, listening and being able to provide constructive notes for one another, and essential practice on curbing instinctive projecting from 2 loud theater actors.  Microphones are such sensitive, finicky things!

The perfectionist in me wishes to keep going back and fix/change/start over entirely, but it's also been great to just accept that a piece is done and MOVE ON.  There are ambitious plans ahead and this is but a beginning!

I'll just leave it there today, darlings.  

Peace, love, and tea,


Got a legit gig! Also, new material.

Well, it's been a while.

A few weeks ago, out of nowhere and to my astonishment, I received an email from someone who had found my demo on an old Voice123 account (an account I haven't used in a year by the way...) asking me to be the voice of their company.  Now I'm not going to say which company yet or go into the details until everything is finalized, but what a lesson in PUT YOUR DEMO EVERYWHERE AND GIVE IT TO EVERYONE.  

Seriously, it couldn't be more evident that I just need more and more material all the time and that I need to be posting regularly.  You never know who will find your work, and maybe, just maybe, someone will like it and want to pay you for doing that thing you love.

Yes, I got derailed in my website-building endeavor, but I've been learning about CONTRACTS.  Ooooh boy.  

And now, in the spirit of posting new material, my friend/roommate/collaborator, William Carson Jr. and I have completed a little Shel Silverstein project.  I shall be posting one strange, darling poem per week.  A couple are collaborative pieces, most are solo readings, all are pretty damn cute.  Find these babies over at:

Peace, love, and tea,


First Narration Demo is UP!

Homemade, self-recorded, painstakingly edited. Over there in "Projects." ->

I like this demo. I'm proud of completing it. I know I have to scrap the whole thing, start over and try again. I knew that before I sent it out for feedback and the feedback I received confirmed everything I'd been thinking. Which is fantastic! 

Learning how to self-direct is it's own fun challenge, so recognizing that my own ear is picking up the same things that pro ears are is encouraging. The editing learning curve was pretty damn steep as well (again, little to no technical background here) but I'm confident that what was once a 2 month process, can easily be cut down to 2 weeks now. And of the 3 pieces of copy in there, I intend to switch at least one of them out.

I have a few more things I'll be putting up over the next few weeks.  And I do intend to prettify this website shortly.  Getting there, getting there, darlings. 


Peace, love, and tea,





Well, hello...

A greeting first, yes? I'm Megan. A handful of friends call me Moogz. I like it, it stuck, so I'm going with that.  Branding!  

I'm an actress, Zimbabwe-born, Baltimore-raised, and NYU-trained. Pretty pumped about my recent foray into voice over work. The versatility of the craft is exciting and the mountain of new skills that I am gradually acquiring is an invigorating challenge. (I mean, clearly, this website needs work, but I'm getting there. Shakespeare class was lovely but the practical applications are limited...)     

This will be a space for documenting my process, chit-chatting about new projects, and linking to sources of inspiration. A slight tinge of self-deprecation will probably permeate the whole thing, because hey, Jewish, nothing to be done.

For now, I've got a commercial demo up. Hoorah! Narration demo coming soon. As well as a number of little side projects I'm doing for giggles with my dear actor friend and roommate, Will Carson Jr.  Enjoy, all 3 of you who see this post!


Peace, love, and tea,
