• Born in Zimbabwe. For real. For a truly unrecognizable accent, I can bust out the Zimbabwean dialect whenever.
  • BFA from NYU Tisch School of the Arts - Atlantic Acting School/Stonestreet Studios.
  • Worked with a number of stellar VO coaches including Marla Kirban, Roger Becker, Bruce Kronenberg, and Stevie Vallance among others.
  • Lately, I've been OBSESSED with Gravity Falls and Steven Universe.  I will bake the most delicious chocolate chip cookies for whoever connects me with Alex Hirsch or Rebecca Sugar, please and thank you. 
  • Upon first meeting me, I've had multiple people question if I'm weirder than I let on. No idea what would give them that idea. Probably just my willingness - nay eagerness - to put Marmite on toast.
  • My maniac cat, Leon, has only tried to knock my mic over mid-recording twice. Most audio will not feature loud crashing sounds.